Sažetak | Poduzeća, kako bi ostala relevantna na tržištu, unaprijedila i proširila svoje poslovanje te privukla nove potrošače šire svoj asortiman uvođenjem novim proizvoda. Uvođenje novog proizvoda u asortiman nije jednostavan ni brz proces. U njemu sudjeluje veliki broj ljudi koji uključuje i zaposlenike poduzeća i potrošače, iziskuje visoke troškove koji su potrebni za istraživanje tržišta, analizu informacija, razvojni proces novog proizvoda, lansiranje novog proizvoda na tržište i uspješno održavanje proizvoda na tržištu. Heineken je 2019. godine želio proširiti svoj asortiman tako da na tržište pod NAF brendom lansira dva nova proizvoda za mlade koja su napravljena od 100 % prirodnih sastojaka, nemaju umjetne dodatke, sladila ni kozervanse. Proizvodi, NAF limun i NAF ananas, su lansirani putem Zero zona, ciljna skupina bila su Generacija Z i Milenijalci, a cilj je bio ponuditi potrošačima alternativno, zdravo, ukusno i osvježavajuće bezalkoholno piće. Prilikom lansiranja novog NAF brenda provela su se opsežna istraživanja tržišta, postavili su se ciljevi, strategije i taktike kojima će se brend i proizvodi predstaviti potrošačima na tržištu te su se kreirale online i offline marketinške aktivnosti. Brend i proizvodi lansirani su na tržište 2019. godine. Lansiranje NAF brenda i proizvoda prošlo je izuzetno uspješno, potrošači su izvrsno reagirali na sve marketinške aktivnosti i marketinšku komunikaciju koju je NAF brend provodio te je brend postao popularan u jako kratkom vremenskom periodu. Ciljevi postavljeni pri lansiranju novog proizvoda ostvareni su u prvoj godini poslovanja, a u budućnosti je cilj putem NAF brenda razviti novu kategoriju pića od slada i piva. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Companies, in order to remain relevant in the market, improve and expand their business and attract new consumers expand their range by introducing new products. Introducing a new product into the range is not an easy or quick process. It involves a large number of people that includes both company employees and consumers, requires the high costs required to research the market, analyze information, develop a new product, launch a new product on the market and successfully maintain the product on the market. In 2019, Heineken wanted to expand its range by launching two new products for young people under the NAF brand, which are made from 100% natural ingredients, have no artificial additives, sweeteners or preservatives. The products, NAF Lemon and NAF Pineapple, were launched through Zero Zones, the target group was Generation Z and Millennials, and the goal was to offer consumers an alternative, healthy, tasty and refreshing soft drink. During the launch of the new NAF brand, extensive market research was conducted, goals, strategies and tactics were set to present the brand and products to consumers in the market, and online and offline marketing activities were created. The brand and products were launched on the market in 2019. The launch of the NAF brand and products was extremely successful, consumers responded excellently to all marketing activities and marketing communication conducted by the NAF brand, and the brand became popular in a very short period of time. The goals set during the launch of the new product were achieved in the first year of operation, and in the future the goal is to develop a new category of malt and beer drinks through the NAF brand. |