Sažetak | Tema ovog rada je prikaz sustava neposredne zaštite kroz pojašnjavanje osnovnih pojmova te približavanje i pojašnjavanje ove profesije kao zahtjevne discipline kako bi se maknula stigma percepcije koju šira javnost obično ima temeljem filmova, serija prikazujući ju kao „estradnu djelatnost“. Proglašenje neovisnosti i pristupanje Republike Hrvatske u međunarodne organizacije poput NATO-a i EU-a dovelo je do potrebe za organiziranjem i moderniziranjem službi kojima je osnovna zadaća zaštita štićenih osoba, što je uvelo neke nove sigurnosne standarde. Nakon uvodnog dijela, u radu se objašnjavaju temeljni pojmovi vezani uz sigurnost i štićene osobe, zatim se opisuje povijesni nastanak neposredne zaštite te se prikazuje pravna regulativa vezana uz štićene osobe u Republici Hrvatskoj. Koncept neposredne zaštite seže daleko u povijest. Mnoge su povijesne osobe zapošljavale tjelohranitelje, čak i tisućama godina prije civilizacije kakvu poznajemo. Rimski carevi zapošljavali su pretorijansku gardu da služi kao osobna straža. Priroda prijetnji možda se mijenjala tijekom stoljeća, ali koncept zaštite pojedinaca ostao je isti. U glavnom dijelu rada detaljno je opisan način rada neposredne zaštite, organizacijski ustroj i taktike postupanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Posao službenika neposredne zaštite je očuvanje svakog aspekta životnog stila štićene osobe, osiguravajući sigurnost na svakom koraku. Članovi neposrednog osiguranja ne samo da fizički štite štićenu osobu, već često moraju jamčiti sigurnost njihove imovine i posjeda od velikog broja potencijalnih prijetnji, sprječavajući opasnost na svakoj razini. Tema koju obrađuje završni rad je rezultat stečenih znanja i dugogodišnjeg osobnog iskustva što je kroz zaključak detaljnije prikazano. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The main topic of this paper is to capture the system of close protection, through explaining its major terms. Additionally, it should explain this profession, as a demanding discipline, in order to clear it from the perception stigma, that it has in the public domain, based on the movies and tv shows, which show it as a „Showbusiness activity”. The Declaration of Independence and the entrance of Republic of Croatia in the international organizations, such as NATO and EU, increased the necessity for organizing and modernizing the services, which main priority is to ensure the safety of guarded people. This introduced new levels of security standards. Following the introduction, this paper will explain the main terms that are connected to security and protected people. Afterwards, the historical evolution of close protection will be described and the legal regulations in place in Republic of Croatia will be listed. The concept of immediate protection is to be tracked far in history. Even thousand years prior to today’s civilization, many historical figures have recruited bodyguards. Roman emperors have recruited Praetorian Guard, to serve them as their personal guards. It is assumed that the nature of threats has changed throughout the centuries, however, the concept of protection of individuals stayed the same. In the main part of this paper, the way of working of close protection, as well as its organizational structure and tactics of action in the Republic of Croatia have been explained. The main goal of the close protection officials is to protect each and every aspect of “life style” of guarded individual, while ensuring the safety at any time. Members of close protection are not only physically protecting the guarded individual. They are also vouching for security of their assets and possessions and protecting these agains the high amount of potential threats and preventing danger at each level. The topic being covered in this paper is the result of acquired knowledge and long lived personal experience in the field, which has been shown in detail through the conclusion. |