Sažetak | Cilj ovoga rada bio je definirati koje su to glavne odrednice ženskog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj te analizirati poduzetničku aktivnost žena u Republici Hrvatskoj kroz određeni vremenski period. Također su se nastojale utvrditi najvažnije prepreke koje prate žene koje se odluče samostalno pokrenuti vlastiti posao, odnosno pokušali su se istaći svi potencijalni izazovi, bilo da oni dolaze od strane obitelji, lokalne zajednice ili same države, na koje nailaze žene u dugo vremena smatranom „muškom“ svijetu poduzetništva. Korištene su povijesna, induktivna, deduktivna, deskriptivna, statistička i metoda analize i sinteze te se kroz vremensko razdoblje unatrag četiri godine, a u određenim primjerima koji se tiču kreditiranja žena i unatrag više godina, konkretnije od 2013.godine (godine pristupanja Republike Hrvatske Europskoj uniji), prikazala rastuća prisutnost žena na poduzetničkoj sceni. Pod „povećalo“ je stavljena uloga Vlade kao glavnog pokretača i motivatora za sva ekonomska zbivanja u društvu te je ispitana odgovornost iste za spor(iji) razvoj poduzetništva žena, s posebnim osvrtom na važnost izrade dokumenta Strategija razvoja ženskog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj, a u istom kontekstu dotaklo se i u odgovornost Hrvatske banke za obnovu i razvoj od koje se očekuje direktna financijska injekcija. Razmotren je udio žena poduzetnica u vlasničkoj strukturi trgovačkih društava u Republici Hrvatskoj u određenom vremenskom periodu te vlasnička struktura istih prema županijama, prema djelatnostima, itd. Jedan od osnovnih zaključaka koji se nametnuo već na samom početku rada odnosi se na nepobitnu činjenicu kako u posljednjih nekoliko godina konstantno raste broj zaposlenih žena, ali da prema položaju u zaposlenju još uvijek dominiraju zaposlenice. Zaključuje se kako je potpora Vlade i Hrvatske banke za obnovu i razvoj, iako sve veća, još uvijek nedovoljna za brži razvoj ženskog poduzetništva, te je neophodno osmisliti poseban program kreditiranja koji bi ženama dao vjetar u leđa i osnažio ih u njihovim samostalnim poduzetničkim koracima. Također se zaključuje da u Republici Hrvatskoj postoje brojni primjeri uspješnih žena poduzetnica i da takav potencijal nije zanemariv, a žene danas imaju veliku perspektivu i mogu biti konkurentne zahvaljujući svojem znanju, obrazovanju, vještinama i kompetencijama. Isto je potkrijepljeno s nekoliko vrlo uspješnih primjera. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this work was to define the main determinants of female entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia and to analyze the entrepreneurial activity of women in the Republic of Croatia over a certain period of time. Efforts were also made to determine the most important obstacles that accompany women who decide to start their own business, i.e., they tried to highlight all potential challenges, whether they come from the family, the local community or the state itself, that women encounter in what has long been considered to the "male" world of entrepreneurship. Historical, inductive, deductive, descriptive, statistical, and methods of analysis and synthesis were used, and over a period of time going back four years, and in certain examples concerning lending to women, going back several years, more specifically since 2013 (the year of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union ), showed the growing presence of women on the entrepreneurial scene. Under "increased" is the role of the Government as the main mover and motivator for all economic events in society, and its responsibility for the slowe(r) development of women's entrepreneurship is examined, with special reference to the importance of drafting the document Strategy for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia, and in the same the context also touched on the responsibility of the Croatian bank for reconstruction and development, from which a direct financial injection is expected. The share of female entrepreneurs in the ownership structure of companies in the Republic of Croatia in a certain period of time was considered, as well as the ownership structure of the same by counties, by activities, etc. One of the basic conclusions that was imposed at the very beginning of the work refers to the undeniable fact that in the last few years the number of employed women has been constantly growing, but that according to the employment position still dominate female employees. It is concluded that the support of the Government and the Croatian Bank for reconstruction and development, although increasing, is still insufficient for the faster development of women's entrepreneurship, and it is necessary to devise a special lending program that would give women „a wind at their backs“ and empower them in their independent entrepreneurial steps.It is also concluded that there are numerous examples of successful women entrepreneurs in the Republic of Croatia and that such potential is not negligible. Moreover, women today have a great perspective and can be competitive thanks to their knowledge, education, skills and competences. The same is supported by several very successful examples. |