Sažetak | Naslov rada „Čimbenici koji utječu na nacionalnu konkurentnost“ u sebi sadrži više poglavlja koja opisuju predmet i cilj rada, metode rada te sadržaj i struktura rada. Pojam konkurentnosti ima svoj teorijski okvir s jedinstvenim indikatorima koji pokazuju stupanj kompetitivnosti pojedinih gospodarstava. Povijesno se spominju imena i djela najznačajnijih teoretičara pojma konkurentnosti: od klasičara Adama Smitha i Davida Ricarda, do građanskih ekonomista Josepha Schumpetera, Maxa Webera i Jamesa Buchanana, sve do Michaela Portera koji je 90ih godina 20. stoljeća definirao pojam konkurentnosti. Porter nam tako objašnjava što je konkurentnost, strategija tvrtki, struktura i međusobno suparništvo u zemlji. Indikatori konkurentnosti mogu ju vrlo precizno izmjerit. Veliki broj različitih institucija radi isključivo na mjerenju kompetitivnosti zemalja. U nastavku rada opisali smo danas vrlo popularnu SWOT analizu. Nastala je kao produkt izučavanja konkurentnosti kao i Benchmark metoda. Benchmark metoda uspoređuje iste varijable s ciljem poboljšanja kompetitivnosti. Od raznih metoda mjerenja konkurentnosti u ovom radu odabrane su: indeks globalne konkurentnosti Instituta za razvoj menadžmenta, globalni indeks konkurentnosti (GCI), HUP skor i indeks ekonomskih sloboda. Globalizacija tako mijenja pojam konkurentnosti i komparativnih prednosti. Cjelina clusteri tumači definiciju i svrhu clustera. Clusteri potiču zajedništvo u cilju povećanja konkurentnosti. Clusteri kao suvremeni oblici udruživanja, horizontalno i vertikalno, nisu zaživjeli u Hrvatskoj, što je u radu objašnjeno na primjeru clustera hrvatske male brodogradnje. U poglavlju međunarodni čimbenici konkurentnosti opisujemo kako se danas vide šanse u granama koje potiču i nagrađuju znanje. Tako su znanje i inovativnost značajniji čimbenici konkurentnosti nego u literaturi spominjani troškovi ili diferencijacija. Uslijed globalizacije konkurentnost posljednjih godina bazira se gotovo isključivo na znanju, informacijama, tehnologijama i uslugama. Proizvodnja je stavljena u drugi plan što se može pokazati i na hrvatskom primjeru. |
Sažetak (engleski) | "Factors affecting national competitiveness" The title of the graduate thesis "Factors affecting national competitiveness" contains chapters that describe the subject, goal, methods of work, content, and structure of the work. The concept of competitiveness has its own theoretical framework with unique indicators that shows the degree of competitiveness of individual economies. Historically, the names and works of the most important theorists of competitiveness are mentioned: from the classic economists Adam Smith and David Ricardo to civil economists Joseph Schumpeter, Max Weber, and James Buchanan, all the way to Michael Porter who defined the concept of competitiveness in the 1990s. Porter explains competitiveness, company strategy, structure, and mutual competition within the country. Competitiveness indicators can measure it very accurately. A large number of different institutions work exclusively on measuring the competitiveness among different countries. Below we describe the very popular SWOT analysis. It was created as a product of the study of competitiveness, as well as the Benchmark method. The benchmark method compares the same variables intending to improve competitiveness. From various methods of measuring competitiveness in this paper, the following have been selected: the Global Competitiveness Index of the Institute for Management Development, the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), the HUP score, and the Economic Freedom Index. Globalization has changed the meaning of competitiveness and comparative advantages. The chapter “Clusters” interprets the definition and purpose of the cluster. Clusters encourage togetherness in order to increase competitiveness. Clusters as modern forms of association, horizontally and vertically, did not come to life in Croatia, which is explained in the example of the Cluster of Croatian small shipbuilding. In the chapter International Factors of Competitiveness, we describe how opportunities are seen today in branches that encourage and reward knowledge. Knowledge and innovation are more significant factors of competitiveness than the costs or differentiation, mentioned in the literature. Due to globalization, competitiveness in recent years is based almost exclusively on knowledge, information, technologies, and services. Production has been put in the background, which can be shown by the Croatian example. |