Abstract | Gospodarstvo pokreće poduzetništvo koje je među glavnim pokretačkim silama ukupnoga gospodarstva. Poduzeće je gospodarska, tehničko-tehnološka, ljudska, organizacijska i pravna cjelina koja koristi i uparuje odgovarajuće inpute, kreirajući robu ili uslugu (proizvode) namijenjenu tržištu s namjerom postizanja profita. Razvoj poduzeća odvija se u više faza, a u svakoj od tih faza potreban je drugačiji poduzetnik, odnosno različiti načini postupanja i sustav donošenja odluka koje utječu na poslovanja. Razvojem poduzeća, razvija se i poduzetnik. Poduzetnik je, u stručnoj literaturi, tek djelomično opisano zanimanje čija se jedinstvenost sastoji u njegovim osobinama. Blaž Lorković je 1889. godine, u hrvatskoj ekonomiji, prvi ponudio definiciju poduzetnika. Poduzetnik je onaj koji s namjerom proizvodnje sjedinjuje produktivne sile, upravlja njima te za to preuzima odgovornost. Poduzetnikov posao je onda poduzeće. Poduzetnik se ističe po tome što on čini što se drugi ne usude. Njegov uspjeh posljedica je njegove kreativnosti, inovativnosti i spremnosti na preuzimanje rizika. Poduzeće kojim upravlja raste i pozicionira se na tržištu približavajući se ciljanoj skupini potrošača. Tajna uspješnosti poduzetnika, ali i njegova poduzeća je neprestan rad na poboljšanju ponude i usluge, stalno istraživanje tržišta i zahtjeva potrošača te primjerena prilagodba proizvoda. Uspješan poduzetnik pritom ne mora sve to činiti samostalno, uspješna poduzeća zapošljavaju intrapoduzetnike, menadžere, stručnjake, promotore i sl. Predmet rada upravo poduzetnik te je provedeno sekundarno istraživanje kojim je analizirana postojeća literatura o poduzetništvu općenito. Istraživanje pokazuje brojne zaključke o uspjesima poduzetnika, ali i savjete za buduće poduzetnike. Prisutan je ipak nedostatak razumijevanja javnosti, a u Republici Hrvatskoj posebno je prisutna slika poduzetnika kao osobe koja ne radi što rezultira velikim brojem propalih poduzeća. |
Abstract (english) | The economy is driven by entrepreneurship which is among the main driving forces of the overall economy. An enterprise is an economic, technical-technological, human, organizational and legal entity that uses and pairs appropriate inputs, creating goods or services (products) intended for the market with the intention of making a profit. The development of a company takes place in several phases, and in each of these phases a different entrepreneur is needed, ie different ways of acting and a system of making decisions that affect business. With the development of the company, the entrepreneur also develops. Entrepreneur is, in the existing literature, only partially described, whose uniqueness lies in its characteristics. In 1889, Blaž Lorković was the first in the Croatian economy to offer a definition of an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is one who unites productive forces with the intention of production, manages them and takes responsibility for it. The entrepreneur’s job is then the company. An entrepreneur is distinguished by the fact that he does what others do not dare. His success is due to his creativity, innovation and willingness to take risks. The company he manages is growing and positioning itself on the market, approaching the target group of consumers. The secret of the success of the entrepreneur, but also of his company, is the constant work on improving the offer and service, constant research of the market and consumer demands, and appropriate adjustment of the product. A successful entrepreneur does not have to do all this on their own, successful companies employ intra-entrepreneurs, managers, experts, promoters and the like. The subject of the paper is precisely the entrepreneur and a secondary research was conducted which analyzed the existing literature on entrepreneurship in general. The research shows numerous conclusions about the success of entrepreneurs, but also tips for future entrepreneurs. However, there is a lack of public understanding, and in Croatia there is a particular image of entrepreneurs as a person who does not work, which results in a large number of failed companies. |