Abstract | S ciljem prikazivanja mogućnosti razvoja turizma na otoku Pašmanu, osobito razvoja specifičnih oblika turizma, u radu se navode bitna obilježja otoka koja su značajna za postanak i za razvoj turističkih aktivnosti. Elementi poput prirodne osnove otoka koju čine reljef, klima, vode i vegetacija su primarna turistička ponuda otoka te osnovni motiv dolaznosti turista koji osigurava najveću popunjenost smještajnih kapaciteta. Otok Pašman obiluje vrijednom kulturno – povijesnom baštinom, materijalnom i nematerijalnom koja zajedno s prirodnim atrakcijama predstavlja neprocjenjivu vrijednost te otok čini privlačnim, jedinstvenim i konkurentnim. Dosadašnje stanje turizma u vidu popunjenosti kapaciteta, ostvarenih dolazaka i noćenja na otoku Pašmanu je relativno povoljno, međutim, trenutna nepovoljna situacija izazvana pandemijom korona virusa, potvrđuje koliko je turizam osjetljiva grana na koju utječu svi vanjski čimbenici, kao što su bolesti, rat, krize ali i vremenske prilike. Stoga bi se daljnji razvoj turizma trebao usmjeriti na razvoj specifičnih oblika turizma koji bi smanjili negativne utjecaje turizma prvenstveno u pogledu sezonalnosti i masivnosti. Turistički razvoj bi se trebao temeljiti na načelima održivog razvoja odnosa na racionalnoj upotrebi svih resursa, a osobito prirodnih jer upravo oni predstavljaju najveće atrakcije i vrijednosti otoka na kojima počiva turizam. |
Abstract (english) | This paper aims to pinpoint the essential features of the island of Pasman which are of major significance in terms of the emergence and evolution of the tourist industry, with the purpose of highlighting the scope for further developing tourism on the island, and particularly the development of specifically tailored tourist activities. The natural attributes of the island, such as its landscapes, climate, water resources and vegetation, constitute its primary attractions for tourism, and the main reasons drawing in tourists, guaranteeing the highest occupancy of tourist accommodation. However, the island of Pasman also has an abundance of historical and cultural attractions, in the form of both material and intellectual heritage. Combined with its natural beauty, these make the island additionally unique, attractive and competitive. In terms of numbers of visitors, percentage of occupancy and overnight stays, the situation on the island of Pasman is relatively positive. However, the current situation caused by the Coronavirus pandemic has only served to emphasise the vulnerability of tourism as an industry sensitive to external influences, such as diseases, wars and other crises - but also to factors such as fluctuating weather. Consequently, it would be advisable for its future development to be directed into advancing specific forms of tourism which would mitigate these vulnerabilities, particularly in relation to seasonality and mass tourism. The future development of tourism should be founded on the principles of sustainability, that is, on the rational utilisation of all resources, particularly natural resources, as they represent the fundamental attraction and value of the island upon which its tourism is based. |