Abstract | Mikro, mali i srednji poduzetnici ili skraćeno MSP u Republici Hrvatskoj čine 99,7%, a samo 0,3% poduzeća čine velika. Kategorizacija poduzetnika provodi se prema broju zaposlenika, ostvarenom godišnjem prometu i prema aktivi. Glavna uloga mikro, malih i srednjih poduzeća u gospodarstvu Republike Hrvatske stabilna je već godinama uz blago povećanje poduzetnika u 2019. godini. Od ukupnog ostvarenog izvoza za 2019. godinu, mikro, mali i srednji poduzetnici ostvarili su 52,9%. MSP i dalje zapošljavaju najveći broj radno sposobnih ljudi, njih 72,2%, a iznimno su važni i u ostvarenim prihodima jer doprinose s ukupno 60,3% od ukupnih prihoda ostvarenih u 2019. godini. Svako poduzeće treba imati izvor financiranja koje ovisi o financijskom stanju poduzeća. U početnoj fazi, odnosno fazi osnutka poduzeća, najsigurniji izvori financiranja su vlastiti. Pored vlastitih izvora financiranja postoje još vanjski izvori financiranja. Pod vanjske izvore financiranja ubrajamo poslovne anđele, kredite Hrvatske banke za obnovu i razvitak (HBOR), poduzetničke inkubatore, kredite poslovnih banaka, fondovi rizičnog kapitala, fondove Europske Unije, masovno kreditiranje. Glavne karakteristike poslovnog okruženja u Republici Hrvatskoj čine visoka razina korupcije, loše vladine politike i programi, neučinkovitost pravnog okvira, visoki administrativni troškovi i sporost istih, otežan pristup financiranju, slab ili nikakav fokus poduzetničkom educiranju i prenošenju znanja i vještina istraživačkih instituta na poslovni sektor i mnogi drugi. Sve navedene karakteristike dovode do ekstremne složenosti poslovanja, a posebno nepovoljne za MSP-ove su teško dostupni izvori financiranja, legalna zaštita i korupcija. S toga je potrebno što više ulagati u rast i razvoj mikro, malih i srednjih poduzetnika jer će samo tako i rasti gospodarstvo. |
Abstract (english) | Micro, small and medium enterprises or abbreviated SMEs in the Republic of Croatia make up 99.7%, and only 0.3% of enterprises make up large ones. The categorization of entrepreneurs is carried out according to the number of employees, the realized annual turnover and the assets. The main role of micro, small and medium enterprises in the economy of the Republic of Croatia has been stable for years with a slight increase in entrepreneurs in 2019. Of the total realized exports for 2019, micro, small and medium enterprises realized 52.9%. SMEs continue to employ the largest number of able-bodied people, 72.2% of them, and they are extremely important in the generated revenues because they contribute with a total of 60.3% of the total revenues generated in 2019. Every company should have a source of funding that depends on the financial condition of the company. In the initial phase, i.e. the phase of founding a company, the most secure sources of financing are their own. In addition to its own sources of funding, there are other external sources of funding. External sources of financing include business angels, loans from the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR), business incubators, loans from commercial banks, venture capital funds, European Union funds, and crowdsourcing. The main characteristics of the business environment in the Republic of Croatia are high levels of corruption, poor government policies and programs, inefficiency of the legal framework, high administrative costs and slowness, difficult access to finance, little or no focus on entrepreneurial education and transfer of knowledge and skills of research institutes to the business sector. All these characteristics lead to extreme business complexity, and especially unfavorable for SMEs are hard-to-reach sources of financing, legal protection and corruption. Therefore, it is necessary to invest as much as possible in the growth and development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, because only in this way will the economy grow. |