Abstract | Strategijsko planiranje i upravljanje promjenama je vrlo složen posao, kako za menadžere koji to moraju sprovesti, tako i za ljude, pogotovo zaposlene, koji se moraju prilagoditi planovima i promjenama. Rad je započet sa Strategijskim ili strateškim planiranjem, od same povijesti nastanka strategije, koja ima početke u Ateni, gdje su mnogi Antički ratnici bili pravi stratezi, kao Periklo. Nakon Antike, nastavlja se u Aziji, najpoznatije djelo „Umijeće ratovanja“ koje govori o strategijama ratovanja, planiranju, vođenju ratova. Nakon toga pojmovi strategije i planiranje dosegle su visoke pozicije u knjigama poznatih ekonomskih stručnjaka, pa tako sve do danas, kad su mnoge strategije zapisane i isprobane kao vodiči za tvrtke koje žele ići naprijed i ne zaostaju za konkurencijom. Strateški menadžment se kao koncept razvio tokom godina, a sa razvitkom tehnologija i strategije se budu razvijale. Glavne točke na koje treba staviti naglasak u strateškom planiranju su utvrđivanje ciljeva, formuliranje poduzeća, njegove filozofije, razvoj poduzeća, selekcija ljudi koji trebaju raditi i koji popunjavaju svojim znanjem i kvalitetama našu strategiju da bi došli do nekog cilja, vizije, misije poduzeća. Nadalje tu je bitno spomenuti strateške menadžere koji ako nisu, pogotovo u današnje vrijeme, trenirani i školovani za taj posao, bolje da ga ne rade, jer će ih psihički i jačinom nadmudriti i prijeći jači pojedinci koji su na tim područjima kao generali, jaki i ustrajni. Nakon što strateški menadžment napravi strategiju, upravljački menadžment počinje sprovoditi promjene. Promjene mogu biti u više segmenata u organizaciji, kao npr. Tehnološke, promjene u proizvodima ili uslugama, promjene ljudi, strukturne ili sustavne promjene, a neki puta bude sve povezano. Za upravljanje promjenama treba imati dobro napravljen plan i biti kompetentan ih provoditi, jer se uvijek nailazi na otpor. Najviše otpora pružaju ljudi koji su već dugo u nekim organizacijama, te nisu spremni prihvatiti promjene iz razloga kao što je strah od promjena, stres zbog promjena, nedovoljno znanje ili informiranost o promjenama, nesigurnost. Ima dosta čimbenika koji dovode do pružanja otpora, ali ako je plan dobro razrađen i ako su zadovoljeni svi čimbenici u pokretanju tog plana, velika je mogućnost da on uspije, jer je to i bila početna ideja, da se uvođenjem strategije i nakon toga promjena tvrtka uspije uzdignuti i postane uspješna i zdrava, te može opstati na tržištu. |
Abstract (english) | Strategic planning and changing management is very complex work to do, as for the managers who has to implement strategy and changes, also for workers who has to adjust to the plans and changes wich are to be maid. I have started with theme of Strategic planning from history of making of strategy, wich has it's beginnings in Athens where where many Anthic warriors wich where true strategics in wars, like Periklo. After Anthic, strategy has their begginings in Azia, and famous book „ The Art of war“ by famous author Sun Tzu, was made there, and it speaks about strategies, tactic of leadings, planning, and wage war. Nowdays the concepts of strategic and planning are in high positions and writen by many famous books of famous economy specialist. Today are many strategies written and prooven as leadings for companies who want's to go forward and don't want to be left behind of competition. Strategic managemet has been developed trough the years, and with developement of tehnologies, many more starategies will be maid. Main points of strategic planning are setting and defining of goals, formulating of enterprise way of work, company philosophy, company developement, selection of human resources who are with their competences important for our strategy wich lead us to our goals, vision and mision of our company. Also it is important to remark strategic managers who has to be trained and competence for that work, becouse if they are not, competition and workers could ruin them, becouse competition is merciless. Strategic planning is something that has to be maid before changing management will start to work in planned direction. After strategic management will made strategic plan, and go trough it, changing management will start to work on changes. Changes could me made in many department of companies like tehnology, production, services, structural changes or human resources, and sometimes in all of them. For changing management you have to have a very good plan of changings and have competence to go trough them, couse there is always resistance to changes. Most of resistance are by people who are long time in companies, who are not willing to accept changes for all sort of reasons like insecurity, fera of changes, stress of changes, not enough informations about changes. There are a lot of points of making resistance, but if we make a good plan, and all of facts of plan for changing management are furfill , there is a big possibility that this plan may work, couse this was the main idea, that by implementing strategy plan and after that neccesary changings company sucseed and became succesful and healthy, and could stay on market. |