Abstract | Posljednjih nekoliko godina, tržište rada Republike Hrvatske obilježeno je niskom stopom zaposlenosti, nedostatkom i odljevom radne snage, visokom nezaposlenošću mladih, pa i nezadovoljstvom radnika. Zbog relativno nepovoljne gospodarske situacije koja je izraženija zbog pojave COVID-19, poslodavci su primorani i mnogo skloniji da s radnicima sklapaju ugovor o radu na određeno vrijeme, iako sam zakonodavac ovakvu vrstu ugovora tretira kao iznimku, a ne kao pravilo. Sam ugovor o radu na određeno vrijeme za hrvatske radnike ne predstavlja povoljno rješenje jer im ne pruža dovoljnu egzistencijalnu sigurnost. Svakodnevno jutarnje ustajanje uz brigu do kada će raditi ili do kada će primati plaću koja im je osnovni izvor prihoda dodatno stvara pritisak na radnike, a da još ne navodimo ostale probleme koji između ostalog uključuju odobravanje stambenih i drugih kredita čime bi oni rješavali veće životne izdatke, a sve pod puno težim uvjetima. S druge strane, ni poslodavcima nije lako jer ni oni nisu sigurni kada im zbog novonastale situacije izazvane pandemijom ili rastom cijena sirovina može doći do smanjenja obima proizvodnje i profita. Zbog različitih poteškoća i opterećenja za poduzeće, radnici koji imaju sklopljene ugovore na određeno su najčešće prvi ti koji trpe posljedice i dobivaju otkaze ugovora o radu u slučaju gospodarske stagnacije, ali isto tako su i među prvima koji se najčešće i najbrže zapošljavaju poslije oporavka gospodarstva nakon izlaza iz takvih ciklusa. Mladi, žene, osobe iz ruralnih područja, osobe s invaliditetom i osobe starosti 50 i više godina, predstavljaju posebno ranjive skupine radnika. Kao mlada osoba pred završetkom studija, odlučila sam se u svom preddiplomskom završnom radu istražiti ugovor o radu na određeno vrijeme jer mi je važno znati pod kojim uvjetima ću se moći zaposliti i raditi, a naročito u kojim situacijama je poslodavcima dopušteno sklapati ovu vrstu ugovora. |
Abstract (english) | In the last few years, the labor market of the Republic of Croatia has been marked by a low employment rate, shortage, outflow of labor, high youth unemployment, and even worker dissatisfaction. Due to the relatively unfavorable economic situation, which is more pronounced due to the emergence of COVID-19, employers are forced and much more inclined to enter into fixed-term employment contracts with workers, although the legislator himself treats this type of contract as an exception and not as a rule. The fixed-term employment contract itself is not a favorable solution for Croatian workers because it does not provide them with sufficient existential security. Getting up every morning with worries about when they will work or when they will receive a salary that is their main source of income puts additional pressure on workers, not to mention other problems that include approving housing and other loans, which would solve their higher living expenses, all under much more difficult conditions. On the other hand, it is not easy for employers either, because they are not sure when due to the new situation caused by the pandemic or the increase in the prices of raw materials, the volume of production and profit may decrease. Due to different burdens for businesses, workers with fixed-term contracts are usually the first to suffer the consequences and get fired in case of economic stagnation, but they are also the first to be employed in the recovery of the economy from such cycles. Young people, women, people from rural areas, people with disabilities, and people aged 50 and over are particularly vulnerable groups of workers. As a young person before graduation, I decided to research a fixed-term employment contract in my undergraduate thesis because it is crucial for me to know the conditions under which I will be able to be employed and work, and especially in which situations employers are allowed to enter into this type of contract. |