Abstract | Državna je vlast u Republici Hrvatskoj ustojena na načelu diobe na izvršnu, zakonodavnu i sudbenu vlast. Nositelj zakonodavne vlasti je Hrvatski sabor. Jedna od najvažnijih zadaća Sabora svakako je donošenje zakona. Zakonodavni postupak obuhvaća podnošenje prijedloga zakona, njegovo razmatranje u radnim tijelima Sabora, raspravu u redovnom ili hitnom postupku, podnošenje amandmana, glasovanje i odlučivanje te objavu zakona. Povrh toga, Sabor je i predstavničko tijelo građana što znači da građani na neposrednim izborima tajnim glasovanjem biraju svoje predstavnike, odnosno zastupnike na mandat od četiri godine. Zastupnici tijekom svoga djelovanja imaju imunitet pa ne mogu biti pozvani na kaznenu odgovornost, pritvoreni ili kažnjeni zbog svojih iznesenih stajališta ili glasovanja. Sabor je i kontrolor izvršne vlasti. Prema Ustavu, Sabor ima najmanje 100, a najviše 160 zastupnika. Redovito zasjeda dva puta godišnje, između 15. siječnja i 15. srpnja te između 15. rujna i 15. prosinca. Unutarnje ustrojstvo i rad Sabora uređeni su Poslovnikom. Sabor ima predsjednika i tri do pet potpredsjednika. Oni zajedno čine Predsjedništvo Sabora, a u radu im pomaže Tajnik Sabora. Sabor za obavljanje stručnih, administrativnih, sigurnosnih, tehničkih i drugih poslova osniva stručnu službu, a poslovi se obavljaju putem unutarnjih ustrojstvenih jedinica Tajništvo Sabora, Ured predsjednika Sabora, Uredi potpredsjednika Sabora, Ured za protokol Sabora i Ured za međunarodne i europske poslove. |
Abstract (english) | The state authority in the Republic of Croatia is structured upon the principle of the separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial power. The Croatian Parliament is the holder of legislative power. One of the most important duties of the Parliament is certainly the enactment of laws. The legislative procedure is comprised of the submission of a bill, its consideration in the working bodies of the Parliament, the debate in the regular or urgent procedure, the submission of amendments, voting and decision-making, and the promulgation of the law. Moreover, the Parliament is also a representative body of the citizens, which means that the citizens elect their representatives, i.e., members of the Parliament directly by secret ballot for a term of four years. During their activities, the members of the Parliament have immunity so they cannot be called to account regarding criminal liability, detained or sentenced for their presented views or voting. The Parliament is also the supervisor of the executive power. According to the Constitution, the Parliament has a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 160 members. It convenes two regular sessions during the year, between 15 January and 15 July and between 15 September and 15 December. The internal organisational structure and work of the Parliament are governed by the Standing Orders. The Parliament has one Speaker and three to five Deputy Speakers. Together, they constitute the Presidency of the Parliament, while the Secretary of the Parliament assists them in their work. The Parliament constitutes a Parliament Staff Service to perform professional, administrative, security, technical and other tasks, while the tasks are performed by the internal organisational entities: the Secretariat of the Parliament, the Office of the Speaker of the Parliament, the Offices of the Deputy Speakers of the Parliament, the Protocol Office of the Parliament and the Office for International and European Affairs. |