Abstract | Tema završnog rada je upravljanje rastom i razvojem poduzeća. Predmet rada je poduzeće, koje se objašnjava kroz teoretski dio rada i kroz praktični dio rada. Cilj rada je kroz teorijski okvir objasniti pojmove i mogućnosti vezane za rast i razvoj poduzeća, nakon čega je cilj kroz praktični dio rada analizirati poduzeće i na koje se načine razvija i raste koristeći ekonomske metode. U današnjem modernom vremenu tržište se mijenja svakodnevno, da li radi tehnoloških otkrića,uvjeta poslovanja i globalizacije,poduzeća pred sobom imaju velike izazove. Ako se poduzeće želi razvijati i rasti potrebno je dobro poznavanje djelatnosti u kojoj se nalazi, pratiti trendove i signale iz okruženja, ali i dobro poznavanje nas samih, u čemu smo dobri a u čemu loši.Moramo znati čemu težimo, kako bi znali u svakom trenutku gdje se nalazimo.Neophodno za rast i razvoj poduzeća je imati kvalitetne zaposlenike koji su najvažniji dio organizacijskog resursa,te znati na koji način ih motivirati, nagraditi i zadržati u postojećoj okolini.Menadžer da bi vodio uspješno poduzeće mora razumijeti dinamiku procesa razvoja i rasta poduzeća kako bih sam mogao pratiti što utječe na rast ,a što na razvoj i tako obratno.Primarni cilj svakog poduzeća je ostvariti dobit,a kako bih ostvario ovisi o planiranom rastu i razvoju. Strategija planiranja je također izuzetno bitna jer na temelju toga možemo povećati opseg poslovanja, a to znači rast prodaje,rast proizvodnje i sl. Rast i razvoj nisu isti pojmovi, rast govori o tome na koji nacin fizicki se mijenja poduzece,a to znači u fizičkim parametrima, u broju ljudi, prihodu, broju proizvoda, broju trzista i ti fizički parametri čine rast poduzeca.Razvoj znači stepenice razvoja u smislu da poduzece postaje sve zrelije u nastupu i u svojim mogucnostima planiranja, razvoja i sl. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of the final paper is the management of growth and development of the company. The subject of the paper is the company, which is explained through the theoretical part of the paper and through the practical part of the paper. The aim of the paper is to explain the concepts and possibilities related to the growth and development of the company, after which the goal is to analyze the company through the practical part of the paper and how it develops and grows using economic methods. In today's modern times, the market is changing every day, whether due to technological discoveries, business conditions and globalization, companies face great challenges. If a company wants to develop and grow, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the industry in which it is located, to follow trends and signals from the environment, but also a good knowledge of ourselves, what we are good at and what we are bad at.Whe need to know what are we striving for,to know at all times where we are. It is necessary for the growth and development of the company to have quality employees who are the most important part of organizational resources, and know how to motivate, reward and keep them in the existing environment. In order to lead a succesuful company, a manager must understand the dynamics of the company's developmentand grow process so that he can monitor what affects growth, and what on development and vice versa. The primary goal of every company is to make a profit, and how to make it depends on the planned growth and development. The planning strategy is also extremely important because it is based on that to increase the volume of business, which means sales growth, production growth and the similar. Growth and development are not the same concepts, growth is about how a company physically changes, which means in physical parameters, in number of people, income, number of products, number of markets and these physical parameters make the growth of the company. Development means the stages of development in the sense that the company is becoming more mature in performance and in its capabilities of planning, development and the like. |