Abstract | Farmaceutska industrija je specifična zbog prirode proizvoda i usluga, te kao takva podliježe strogoj regulatornoj politici i etičkim dilemama. Farmaceutske kompanije ovise o kvalitetnom marketingu koji im omogućuje bolje pozicioniranje na tržištu i u svijesti potrošača. Stoga je potrebno istražiti utjecaj marketinga i u farmaceutskoj industriji. Metodologija izrade rada koristila se dostupna literatura koja obuhvaća udžbenike, znanstvene publikacije, izvještaje i web stranice kompanija, relevantne internetske izvore te dostupne baze podataka. U radu se istražuje kako se upravljanje marketingom primjenjuje u farmaceutskoj industriji. U središtu istraživanja su Pliva i Belupo, lideri u farmaceutskoj industriji u Hrvatskoj, analizirani kroz temeljne elemente marketinškog miksa: proizvod, cijena, distribucija, i promocija. Ciljevi rada su provesti analizu upravljanja marketingom na uzorku sekundarnih podataka o kompanijama u farmaceutskoj industriji u Hrvatskoj, te na temelju analiziranih podataka kreirati preporuke za bolje upravljanje marketingom. Fokus je stavljen na tržište i potrošače, strategije brendiranja, planiranje marketinga, te strategiju marketinga i marketinške komunikacije. Analiza je pokazala da marketing ima ključnu ulogu za komercijalni uspjeh i rast farmaceutskih kompanija. Upravljanje marketingom obuhvaća širok spektar aktivnosti, od razumijevanja tržišta i kupaca, segmentacije, pa do razvoja marketinškog miksa i plana. Zaključci ovog rada predstavljaju doprinos kompanijama koje ciljaju prilagoditi ili implementirati upravljanje marketingom. Rezultati analize podataka m |
Abstract (english) | The pharmaceutical industry is specific due to the nature of its products and services, and as such, it is subject to strict regulatory policies and ethical dilemmas. Pharmaceutical companies depend on quality marketing that enables them better positioning in the market and in the consumer consciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the impact of marketing in the pharmaceutical industry. The paper will investigate how marketing management is applied in the pharmaceutical industry. The focus of the research is on Pliva and Belupo, leaders in the pharmaceutical industry in Croatia, analyzed through the fundamental elements of the marketing mix: product, price, distribution, and promotion. The objectives of the work are to conduct an analysis of marketing management based on a sample of secondary data about companies in the pharmaceutical industry in Croatia, and based on the analyzed data - create recommendations for a pharmaceutical company. The focus will be placed on the market and consumers, branding strategies, marketing planning, and marketing and marketing communication strategies. The analysis has shown that marketing plays a crucial role in the commercial success and growth of pharmaceutical companies. Marketing management encompasses a wide spectrum of activities, from understanding the market and customers, segmentation, to the development of the marketing mix and plan. The conclusions of this work will contribute to companies aiming to adapt or implement marketing management. Available literature used for creating the paper includes textbooks, journals, publications, company reports, company websites, relevant internet sources, and available databases. The results of the data analysis can be applied in marketing management practice, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. |