Abstract | Električni automobili postaju sve zastupljeniji, iako još nisu dovoljno zastupljeni na tržištu, kako na području Europe tako i svijeta. Osim što su manje štetni za okoliš u odnosu na konvencionalne automobile, glavni razlog za nabavu električnog automobila je porast cijene fosilnih goriva unatrag nekoliko desetljeća. Električna vozila danas su ekološki najprihvatljivije prijevozno sredstvo, ali kod njih je prisutan niz ograničenja i problema kod korištenja, a tržište električnih automobila u Hrvatskoj širi se sporije nego na području razvijenijih zemalja Europe. Univerzalna stanica za punjenje električnih vozila s različitim baterijama, ali i s različitim mogućnostima punjenja, predstavljala bi već viđen koncept na hrvatskim cestama. Međutim, radi se o zadovoljenju potreba za takvom infrastrukturom uzevši u obzir sve veću popularnost električnih automobila u svijetu. Također, kada se u obzir uzme važnost turističke sezone u Republici Hrvatskoj, što najčešće rezultira snažnim povećanjem broja automobila inozemnih turista na hrvatskim cestama, smatra se da je potrebno pojačati infrastrukturu punionica. Cilj diplomskog rada bio je analizirati izvedivost i profitabilnost projekta punionice električnih vozila u Zagrebu. Naime, put ka finaliziranju projektne ideje, odnosno projekta vrlo je dugotrajan i kompliciran posao, a nerijetko i stresan. Pod dugotrajnim i kompliciranim procesom smatraju se pregovori između projektnih sudionika, pravni poslovi, prikupljanje i kontrola mnogobrojne dokumentacije i pronalazak prave lokacije. Do cilja se u radu došlo teorijskim pregledom izvora povezanih s projektnim menadžmentom i provedbom samih projekata, odnosno njihovom implementacijom u praktični dio rada, odnosno analizu izvedivosti. Prikazanim teorijskim dijelom, kao i praktičnim dijelom povezanim s projektom, postigao se cilj rada s pratećim podciljevima, a implementacija teorijskog saznanja o projektnom menadžmentu, implementirana je uspješno u kreiranje projekta izgradnje punionice električnih vozila. |
Abstract (english) | Electric cars are becoming more common, although they are not yet sufficiently represented on the market, both in Europe and the world. Besides the fact that they are less harmful to the environment than conventional cars, the main reason for getting an electric car is the rise in the price of oil a few decades ago. Electric vehicles today are the most environmentally friendly means of transport, but they have a number of limitations and problems when using them, and the electric car market in Croatia is expanding more slowly than in more developed European countries. A universal charging station for electric vehicles with different batteries, but also with different charging options, would represent a concept already seen on Croatian roads. However, it is about meeting the needs for such an infrastructure, taking into account the increasing popularity of electric cars in the world. Also, when taking into account the importance of the tourist season in the Republic of Croatia, which most often results in a strong increase in the number of cars of foreign tourists on Croatian roads, it is considered necessary to strengthen the infrastructure of filling stations. The aim of the thesis was to analyze the feasibility and profitability of the electric vehicle charging station project in Zagreb. Namely, the path to finalizing a project idea or project is a very long and complicated job, and often stressful. A long and complicated process includes negotiations between project participants, legal affairs, collection and control of numerous documents and finding the right location. The goal was reached in the paper through a theoretical review of sources related to project management and the implementation of the projects themselves, i.e. their implementation in the practical part of the work, i.e. feasibility analysis. The presented theoretical part, as well as the practical part related to the project, achieved the goal of the work with accompanying subgoals, and the implementation of theoretical knowledge about project management was successfully implemented in the creation of the electric vehicle filling station construction project. |