Abstract | U posljednje dvije godine, pojavom virusa COVID-19 bio je promijenjen način života ljudi. Ova pandemija obuhvatila je sve zemlje svijeta preko noći, došlo je do stvaranja oštrih mjera kako bi se suzbijalo njeno daljnje širenje. S obzirom na pojavu virusa, za kojeg se pretpostavljalo da njegov oblik već postoji, Nacionalni stožeri civilne zaštite svakodnevno su izvještavali o mjerama koje su mijenjale način odnošenja prema novoj bolesti u svijetu. Pandemija je utjecala na sve sektore, bilo da se radilo o gospodarstvu, o zdravstvu, školstvu, proizvodnji a posljedice se osjećaju i danas. Nastala je velika šteta preko noći, došlo je do obustave rada. U svakom je sektoru došlo i do rada od kuće kako bi ljudi bili što manje u fizičkom kontaktu. Bolnice su odjednom postale preopterećene pacijentima oboljelima koji su imali i teže respiratorne probleme kao posljedica, odnosno simptom bolesti. Sada, 2022. godine, svijet se počeo malo vraćati u normalno stanje iako su neki gubici po sektorima i dalje vidljivi i treba ih pokušavati suzbiti. Nitko ne može predvidjeti tijek bolesti stoga se i komentira kako će čovječanstvo naučiti jednostavno i živjeti sa time. Na snazi su još uvijek neke preporuke poput redovitog pranja i dezinficiranja ruku, provjetravanja prostorija, držanje distance. S obzirom na početak bolesti koja je donosila agresivnije oblike koji su dovodili do umiranja, danas se to promijenilo na lakše simptome poput grlobolje, kašlja, blago povišene temperature pa se osobe oporave i bez bolničkog liječenja. U radu je analiziran poseban osvrt na sektor gospodarstva i posljedice koje je ostavio COVID-19. |
Abstract (english) | In the last two years, the appearance of the COVID-19 virus has changed people's way of life. This pandemic covered all the countries of the world and overnight, harsh measures were created to prevent its further spread. With regard to the appearance of the virus, which was assumed to already exist in its form, the National Headquarters of Civil Protection reported daily on the measures that changed the attitude towards the new disease in the world. The pandemic affected all sectors, whether it was the economy, healthcare, education, production, and the consequences are still being felt today. There was a lot of damage overnight, work was stopped. In every sector, there was work from home so that people would be in physical contact as little as possible. Hospitals suddenly became overloaded with sick patients who had more severe respiratory problems as a consequence or symptom of the disease. Now, in 2022, the world has begun to return to normal, although some losses by sector are still visible and efforts should be made to suppress them. No one can predict the course of the disease, which is why it is commented that humanity will simply learn to live with it. Some recommendations are still in force, such as regular washing and disinfecting of hands, airing the rooms, keeping a distance. With regard to the beginning of the disease, which brought more aggressive forms that led to death, today this has changed to milder symptoms such as sore throat, cough, slightly elevated temperature, so people recover even without hospital treatment. The paper analyzes a special review of the economic sector and the consequences left by COVID-19. |