Abstract | Završni rad na temu operativno planiranje proizvodnje sokova na odabranom primjeru podijeljen je u nekoliko dijelova. U uvodnom dijelu je naveden predmet rada, ciljevi, metode istraživanja, načini obrade teme i doprinos radu. U glavnom dijelu rada razmatra se relevantna stručna literatura uz pomoć koje je temeljito razrađeno poslovno planiranje, njegove funkcije i svrha, te vrste planiranja. Planiranje se definira kao proces onoga što neka organizacija želi postići, te načina na koji to želi postići. Zatim, slijedi operativno planiranje u poduzeću gdje se obrazlažu faze i koraci u procesu planiranja, aktivnosti u pripremi planiranja i njihova područja djelovanja. U operativnom planiranju u području proizvodnje navodi se planiranje ciljeva i mjera proizvodnje utvrđivanjem programa proizvodnje, troškova i procesa. Planiranje uvjeta proizvodnje odnosi se na stvaranje pretpostavki za neometano i ekonomično odvijanje proizvodnje. Naglasak planiranja proizvodnje je na ciljanom korištenju postojećih resursa pri čemu se slijede tehnički, organizacijski i ekonomski ciljevi. Odgovara na slijedeća pitanja: što proizvoditi, gdje i kako, čime, kuda i kakvi troškovi nastaju tijekom proizvodnje. Nakon razrade teme kroz stručnu literaturu u temi se daje primjer proizvodnje sokova u poduzeću Unifruit d.o.o. Podgajci Podravski, u kojem se navode općeniti podaci o poduzeću, postupak planiranja proizvodnje, područja uspješnosti i nedostataka u poduzeću, te zaključno obrazloženje rada. Metoda istraživanja u ovom dijelu se temelji na ustupljenoj dokumentaciji poduzeća, internetskim izvorima, SWOT analizom, desk research, te osobnim tumačenjem autora. Svrha rada je predstaviti planiranje proizvodnje kao jednim od temeljnih aktivnosti poduzeća uspoređujući teorijsko znanje s praktičnim primjerom. Dobivenim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da dobra organizacijska struktura, praćena planskim aktivnostima i kontinuiranim ulaganjem ostvaruje ciljeve i rast poduzeća. |
Abstract (english) | The final paper on the topic of operational planning of juice production based on the selected example is divided into several parts. In the introductory part, the subject of the work, goals, research methods, ways of processing the topic and contribution to the work are stated. In the main part of the work, relevant professional literature is applied with the help of which business planning, its functions and purposes and types of planning are thoroughly elaborated. Planning as a process of defining what an organization wants to achieve and how it wants to achieve it. Then, operational planning in the company follows, where the stages and steps in the planning process, activities in the preparation of planning and their areas of operation are explained. In operational planning in the field of production, the planning of production goals and measures is specified by determining the production program, costs and process. Planning of production conditions refers to the generating conditions for undisturbed and economic development of production. The emphasis of production planning is on the targeted use of existing resources, where technical, organizational and economic goals are considered to follow. Some of the following questions are being answered to: what to produce, where and how, with what, where to and what costs are incurred during production. After elaboration of the topic through professional literature, the topic gives an example of juice production in the company Unifruit d.o.o. Podgajci Podravski, in which general information about the company, the production planning process, areas of success and shortcomings in the company, and a concluding explanation of the work are given. The research method in this part is based on the submitted company documentation, internet sources, SWOT analysis, desk research and the author's personal interpretation. The purpose of the paper is to present production planning as one of the fundamental activities of the company, comparing theoretical knowledge with a practical example. The obtained research established that a good organizational structure, followed by planned activities and continuous investments, achieves the goals and growth of the company. |