Abstract | Odnosi s javnošću predstavljaju komunikacijski oblik koji, kada je pažljivo planiran i proveden, osigurava dugoročne ciljeve stvaranja pozitivnog imidža koji se kreira na temelju dugoročno planski usmjerenih dobrih odnosa s ključnim ciljnim javnostima: zaposlenicima, potrošačima, dobavljačima, dioničarima, lokalnom zajednicom, medijima i dr.. Kako bi doprijeli do svoje ciljane javnosti stručnjaci za odnose s javnošću koriste razne alate, a jedan od njih je i event management. Eventi su moćan kanal za slanje važnih poruka. Event management kao jedan od alata odnosa s javnošću bavi se kreativnim osmišljavanjem događaja, njihovim organiziranjem, upravljanje njihovom izvedbom i svim popratnim zbivanjima. Događaji moraju biti profesionalno organizirani, atraktivni široj javnosti i medijima, a vrhunski doživljaj vlastitim djelatnicima i gostima. To podrazumijeva viziju događaja, koja se pretvara u kreativni koncept, a on potom u konkretan scenarij koji iziskuje određene tehničke pretpostavke i prilagođava se jasno zacrtanom protokolu. Cilj eventa je oblikovanje željenog ugleda, učvrstiti povezanost s potencijalnim korisnicima, povećati publicitet i prodaju. |
Abstract (english) | Public Relations is a form of communication which, if carefully planned and delivered, ensures the achievement of long-term goals of building a positive image that is created on the basis of good, strategically planned and lasting relations with key target publics: employees, consumers, suppliers, shareholders, the local community, the media, etc. In order to reach their target public(s), PR professionals rely on various tools, including, among other, event management. Events are a powerful channel for communicating important messages. Event management, as one of the PR tools, refers to the creative conceptualisation and organisation of events, and to the management of delivery of events and all other related processes. Events must be professionally organised, attractive to the wider public and the media, and they must ensure an ultimate experience for company employees and guests. To achieve this, an event must first be visualised. The vision of the event is then translated into a creative concept, which is in turn translated into a concrete scenario that entails certain technical requirements and adaptation to a clearly defined protocol. The purpose of an event is to shape a desired reputation, strengthen the connection with potential users, and increase publicity and sales. |