Abstract | Ovim radom želim približiti čitateljima kako teorijski dio socijalnog sukoba i ekscesa tako i praktični. U prvom dijelu rada socijalni sukob raščlanjen je na pojam i strukturu , razloge nastanka te rješavanje istoga modelom suradnje u osam koraka. Socijalni sukobi su, tako reći,neiscrpna tema. Do njih dolazi uočavanjem različitosti i ne slaganjem oko istih. Svaka individua ima svoje stavove, ciljeve, očekivanja i percepcije na temelju kojih dolazi do raskola među pojedincima. Ne uvažavanjem različitosti dolazi do sukoba. Tako je ovom studijom slučaja prikazano kako u praksi voditeljica poslovnice jedne banke miri dvije zavađene djelatnice. One cijeli slučaj prolaze po modelu rješavanja sukoba u osam koraka. Pokazalo se da su obije suradnice iz konflikta izašle kao pobjednici. Puno toga su naučile jedna o drugoj , a najvažnije, spoznale su i svoje mane. Utoliko je voditeljici bilo lakše naći zajedničke snage za rješavanje problema. U drugom dijelu rada teorijski raščlanjujemo pojam ekscesa te ga zaokružujemo, primjerom iz prakse gdje učinjeni eksces u prvom primjeru krivac ne priznaje, u drugom primjeru priznaje , a u trećem priznaje pod pritiskom argumenata. Sva tri primjera riješena su kroz četiri ključna koraka : utvrđivanje činjenica, stvaranje jaza između počinitelja ekscesa i ekscesa , saniranje posljedica i rekapitulacija. Iako su koraci isti svaki slučaj zasebno iziskuje poseban trud i vještine komunikacije kako bi počinitelj priznao učinjeno. U našem primjeru opet voditeljica poslovnice pokušava umiriti djelatnicu koja svojim ekscesnim ponašanje remeti mir i krši norme poslovnog ponašanja u banci. |
Abstract (english) | With this paper I want t bring readers closer to the theoretical part of social conflict and excesses , as well as practical ones. In the first part od paper , social conflict is broken down into concept and structure, the reasons for its emergence and its resolutin by the eight step model of cooperation. Social conflicts are , so to speak, an inexhaustable topic. They come to us by recognizing difference and not agreeing on them. Each individual has his or her own attitudes, goals, expectations and peceptions that lead to a rift between individuals. Disregard for diversiti leads to conflict.Thus, this case study shows how, in practice, the head of a bank branch reconciles two deceased employees. They go through the whole case with the eight step conflict resolution model. Both coworkers turned out to be winners. They learned a lot about each other, and most importantly, they realized tjeir flaws. This made it easier for the manager to find common forces to solve the problem. In the second part of the paper we theoretically break down the concept of excess and round it up, by example from the practice where the excess made in the first case is notacknowledged by the culpri, in the second case he admits, and in the third he admits under the preassure of arguments. All three examples are addressed through four key steps: fact finding, closing the gap between the perpetrator of excess and sxcess . remediation of consequences and recapitulations. Although the steps are the same, each case separately requires special effort and communication skills for the offender to admit to being done. In our example, the head of the branch again tries to calm the employee who, though her excessive behavior, restores peace and violates the norms of business conduct in the bank. |