Abstract | U današnje vrijeme poduzeća se probijaju na tržište s različitim proizvodima. Kako bi proizvelo novi proizvod poduzeće mora detaljno analizirati tržište na kojem se nalazi, konkurenciju koja ga okružuje te generirati ideju. Da bi se istaknuo na tržištu te u konačnici ostvario zaradu, za proizvod je bitno da bude drugačiji od drugih odnosno da ima „iskru“ kojom će zaiskriti iz mase sličnih proizvoda. Pri proizvodnji novog proizvoda, poduzeću je prioritet zadovoljstvo potrošačevih potreba i želja. Prije nego li proizvod počne ostvarivati zaradu, ono mora proći kroz faze uvođenja na tržište. Troškovi koji se pojavljuju u procesu uvođenja novog proizvoda u početnoj fazi su najveći. Troškovi s kojima se poduzeće susreće i na koje mora računati su troškovi izrade prototipa, projektiranja, ispitivanja i opreme, troškovi proizvodnje, transporta, troškovi obuke kadrova, planiranja i razvoja, rezervnih dijelova, servisiranja proizvoda, operativni troškovi te troškovi koje poduzeće ne smije nikako zaboraviti a to su troškovi odlaganja i recikliranja proizvoda. Kroz faze uvođenja na tržište prolazi i proizvod pod nazivom „Poticajne kartice za liderice“. Kartice su proizvedene u svibnju 2019. godine. One predstavljaju novi proizvod u obliku špila od 40 kartica oslikanih veselim i motivirajućim porukama koje svakodnevno potiču poslovne žene da budu još bolje i motiviranije u poslovima koje obavljaju. Kartice se trenutno nalaze u fazi rasta. Prodajom su ostvarile zaradu no najvažnije je da su izazvale mnogo pozitivnih reakcija kupaca i dale vjetar u leđa mnogim lidericama ali i onima koje to žele postati. |
Abstract (english) | Today, companies enter markets with different products. To make a new product, a company must analyse the market it is in, the competition that surrounds it, and generate the idea. To stand out in the market and, in the end, to make a profit, it is important for a product to be different, in other words to have a “spark“ with which it will scintillate from the mass of other similar products. In the manufacture of a new product, the company’s priority is the satisfaction of consumer’s needs and wishes. The product has to go through phases of introduction to the market before it starts making a profit. The costs that arise in the process of introducing a new product are highest in the initial phase. The costs that the company comes across and has to take into consideration are the costs of making a prototype, designing, testing and equipment, production costs, transportation, staff training costs, planning and development, spare parts, product maintenance, operating costs, and the costs that a company must not forget about – product disposal and recycling costs. A product called “Motivational cards for female leaders” is also going through phases of introduction to the market. The cards were made in May, 2019. They represent a new product in the form of a deck with 40 cards illustrated with cheerful and motivational messages that encourage business women every day to be even better and more motivated in the jobs they do. The cards are currently in the growth phase. They have made a profit from sales, but the most important thing is that they have brought about a lot of positive reactions from the buyers and gave wings to many female leaders, and those who want to become them. |