Abstract | Digitalni marketing karakterizira marketing usmjeren na potrošača, marketinški programi i ponašanje usmjereno na cilj. Sastoji se od niza digitalnih alata i komunikacijskih metoda, uključujući internet, e-poštu, baze, mobilne uređaje itd., koji se svi koriste za postizanje marketinških ciljeva organizacija. Unatoč zajedničkim značajkama tradicionalnog marketinga, digitalni marketing omogućuje izravniju interakciju s potrošačima putem digitalnih medija. U turističkoj industriji digitalni marketing ima značajnu ulogu u promociji destinacija, atrakcija i usluga putovanja potencijalnim kupcima. U ovom radu autor opisuje postupak planiranja i provedbe marketinške kampanje u turizmu kao rezultat zahtjeva suvremenog tržišta. Posebna pažnja posvećena je Internetu koji je u turističkoj industriji, ali i drugim oblicima poslovanja izmijenio tradicionalne načine poslovanja, te se koristi kao sredstvo komunikacije, transakcije i distribucije. Kao predviđene i željene rezultate ovog završnog rada možemo navesti postupak analize i značajke digitalnog marketinga, kao i utjecaj digitalnog marketinga u turizmu. Ciljevi i zadaci izravno su povezani s definiranom problematikom i predmetom istraživanja. Cilj ovog rada je definirati marketing, digitalni marketing, raspraviti prednosti i nedostatke digitalnog marketinga, raspraviti korištenje digitalne tehnologije u turističkoj industriji te dati primjere tvrtki i organizacija u turističkoj industriji. Njegova svrha je objasniti na koji način organizacije u turističkoj industriji primjenjuju alate digitalnog marketinga. |
Abstract (english) | Digital marketing is characterized by consumer-oriented marketing, marketing programs and goal-oriented behavior. It consists of a range of digital tools and communication methods, including the Internet, e-mail, databases, mobile devices, etc., all of which are used to achieve the marketing goals of organizations. Despite the common features of traditional marketing, digital marketing enables more direct interaction with consumers through digital media. In the tourism industry, digital marketing plays a significant role in promoting destinations, attractions and travel services to potential customers. In this paper, the author describes the process of planning and implementing a marketing campaign in tourism as a result of the requirements of the modern market. Special attention is paid to the Internet, which has changed the traditional ways of doing business in the tourism industry, but also in other forms of business, and is used as a means of communication, transaction and distribution. As predicted and desired results of this final work, we can mention the analysis procedure and features of digital marketing, as well as the influence of digital marketing in tourism. The goals and objectives of the study are directly related to the defined issue and subject of research. The aim of this paper is to define marketing, digital marketing, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing, discuss the use of digital technology in the tourism industry and give examples of companies and organizations in the tourism industry. Its purpose is to explain how organizations in the tourism industry apply digital marketing tools. |